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  • leanneparry1234

Easter fun

Dear parents,

We learnt so much about road safety last week. The children really took on board what we had been talking about and how to stay safe near the roads. 

This week is all about Easter fun! We will be going on an egg hunt and hoping the Easter bunny leaves us some treats!

Proud cloud

Don’t forget we have our proud cloud in the preschool entrance. If your child does something really good at home no matter how big or small then please write it on a cloud so we can share this with them during the day. It’s a great way to celebrate a new skill such as getting dressed by themselves, sleeping in their bed all night, tidying up etc. Anything at all. Staff can help you find a cloud so please do ask.

Sunny weather

We would like all children to have a named bottle of sun cream and a sun hat that can be left at preschool for the summer term please (after Easter). We encourage you to apply suncream before they arrive and we will top it up as needed throughout the day. It’s easier for us to have it all kept here so we are always prepared for the great British weather and how unpredictable it can be! 

Cheese and wine

We can’t believe we raised an incredible £1811.33 at our cheese and wine fundraiser. Thank you so much to the committee for putting on such a great evening and thank you to the parents that came along to support us. It was such a busy, fun evening with so much support from the local community. We can get some much needed new garden resources for the children with this money. 

Toddler group 

Sadly our weekly Thursday toddler group is coming to an end. We started this back up again after lockdown and it has been hugely successful, with lots of new children joining us at preschool from this but unfortunately due to rising costs we can no longer afford to run it. This week will be the final one. Thank you to everybody who has come along over the past 3 years to play, have a cup of tea and a sing song. We have loved getting to know new families and seeing our regular preschoolers.

Have a lovely week! We finish on weds this week for Easter and return on Monday 15th April. All of our term dates are on the website. 

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