Dear parents,
This week we will continue to explore Autumn and all of the wonderful things it brings. We will be heading out on an Autumn hunt and searching for conkers and leaves for some activities we have planned.
Painting is such a great way for the children to make marks, explore and develop their fine and gross motor skills. We try really hard to put aprons on the children before they get to the table but it is not always possible. Please only send your child in old clothing to avoid anything nice getting ruined. Although the paint says it is washable we are very aware that some colours are not. Unfortunately this seems to be the case with most brands. Don’t forget to make sure any spare clothing in their bags is also suitable for preschool use.
Last call for any junk this week please so we can do some junk modelling later in the term.
Welly Wednesday
This week we have Hannah joining us for welly Wednesday. Please make sure the children come in dressed and ready to go as we tend to start more promptly at 9am so Hannah can move onto her next commitment.
Don’t forget our Annual general meeting is taking place on Tuesday the 10th October at 7.30pm. This is a great opportunity for you to come along and see how you can support your child’s preschool. We really do rely on parental support and we would welcome any new committee members. If you feel unable to commit to being on the committee but could spare an hour here or there to help at events then we would also love to have you.
Contact details
Please make sure that you keep us up to date with any change in your contact details, your child’s health needs or your emergency contact details. If we are unable to contact you, should your child become unwell etc we will need to then try your emergency contacts. We are happy to check them with you and make any changes. If somebody we do not know is collecting your child please make sure you tell us and that they have your child’s password (given upon registration). We will not let a child leave unless we are confident that we know who that person is and that we have had permission from you.
Proud cloud
You may have seen a cloud hanging around in the entrance? This is our proud cloud. The idea behind it is that if your child does something wonderful at home you can write it on the cloud and then we celebrate this with them during preschool. The children can then show their friends and it’s a great way to share achievements and support their speech and language skills. Anything can be celebrated no matter how big or small. Sleeping in their own bed all night, having lovely manners, getting themselves dressed, absolutely anything. We look forward to seeing our cloud very busy and very proud!
Have a lovely week all. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to chat to one of the team.
Leanne and team