Dear parents,
We have had a such a great half term learning all about ourselves, who we are, who is in our family and what we like/dislike. This week we are finding out how to keep ourselves healthy.
We will be making fruit kebabs, fruit faces for snack and fruit printing. Alongside this we will have the doctors surgery out and our dentist resources to explore.
We finish on Friday 21st October for half term and return on Monday 31st.
Adela photography is joining us tomorrow for our yearly Autmnal photos. We will be taking the children in small groups down to the park throughout the morning. If your child is not in and you would like them to have their picture taken, then please feel free to meet us at the park from 9.15am. Adela will be there until around 11am.
Last years photos were beautiful and they make fantastic Christmas gifts for family and friends.
Thank you
Thank you again for your generous donations for Susies song time, snacks and forest school. We have been able to offer the children so much variety during snack time and they have had such a wonderful term of extra activities.
Susie is a huge hit and will be returning again next half term and Hannah will be coming once a month again.
Wine bottles
Don’t forget we are collecting empty and full wine bottles with screw top lids for our upcoming fund raiser on the 19th November, 2-4pm in the village hall. If you can help run the stall at all please let us know, or come along and browse all of the lovely things for sale.
School applications
For those of you with children starting school next sept, it’s that time of year which you can put down your choices. The local schools have all got open days coming up, so look out for those. All of the details you need on how and when to apply are in the leaflet we have given out to you.
Let us know if you have any questions and we will do our best to help.
Please don’t forget to check out your child’s tapestry journal. As well as seeing what they get up to and their focus week report, you can like the posts, add comments and even add your own things from home. We love to see what you have been up to.
That’s it for this week. Have a great week all.
Leanne and team