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So tomorrow is any exciting day with the reopening of schools. We hope you are all ready and the uniforms still fit!

We will be welcoming back Lorna tomorrow here at preschool to run our playball sessions. The children will be so excited. Thank you to everybody who donated towards the cost of providing this for the children, we really appreciate it. If you didn’t get chance to contribute and would like to then you can do so by bank transfer to the preschool account. The cost is £3 per child per week for 6 weeks.

Thank you very much again for your snack donations. Feeding 22 hungry children each morning means we go through lots of fresh fruit and vegetables so we will always need more.

This week we have a few little secret activities going on in preparation for Mother’s Day next weekend so look out for something special coming home soon. The children have been busy and been sworn to secrecy. Again this year we will be unable to do our mothers day tea but will look forward to welcoming you back through our doors in the not so distant future!

Have a great week and congratulations on completing home schooling 😀

Leanne and team

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