It’s an early Sunday email from me this week before I head out for a long family walk with my children.
Thank you very much for all of the junk you have been bringing for us. Please keep it coming. It has already been transformed into a space ship, some aliens and robots!
This week we are going to move onto taking care of our planet. We will be talking about recycling, saving water by turning off the taps and not leaving any rubbish around outside.
We are going to become super litter pickers and take a walk around the preschool area, collecting any rubbish we see to recycle it.
Please note, we have proper litter pickers (borrowed from the parish council) all sanitized and will be planting our own quarantined “clean rubbish” for the children to pick up using these. With coronavirus still around we think this is the safest way to get the children involved without the risk of collecting other people’s rubbish so we can all remain safe but still learn how to take care of our planet.
We are now heading into week five of this term! We are so thankful that we are still open and busy.
We have so much fun and it’s so nice to be able to provide some normality for the children in this crazy time. Don’t forget if you need any extra hours we can accommodate the children from 8-8-30 for breakfast and also remain open from 3-4should you need a longer day. We have children taking up both of these options so please do ask if you need them.
Another big thank you for your kind snack and cleaning material donations. As you can imagine with the extra cleaning measures In place we have been using much more of this than normal so it is all really useful and appreciated.
In the next few weeks we will be starting to do some planting in our gardens ready for the spring so if you can donate any seeds (flower or fruit/vegetables) then that would be fantastic.
Finally over the next week or two staff will be completing a report on your child using tapestry. We are required to do these twice a year to track the children’s learning and development. At the end of this report there is a section for parent comments. We would really love you to comment on this as this shows evidence to Ofsted that we work as a partnership with parents. If there is anything in the report you are unsure of or would just like to discuss your child’s progress then please let us know and we arrange this for you.
Enjoy Sunday!
Leanne and team