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Superheroes and Princesses

Over the last few weeks, the children have been really interested in dressing up as superheroes and princesses. So, this week we will be dressing up, talking about real life heroes and focusing on "people who help us". We have a super exciting treat for the children with a visit from some very special characters (spider-man, Elsa and Anna). We can't wait to see the children's faces when they turn up at the door to surprise them and read a story for us. This will all be done in line with Covid restrictions but what a wonderful treat for us all! Dressing up any day this week is very welcome.

By now each child should have a slip of paper to tell you which part they are playing on 4th December in our nativity. If you have not received anything or are unsure, please let a member of staff know. If you could provide this by weds 2nd Dec, we would appreciate it so we can do a dress rehearsal. The children are sounding so amazing and have been practicing really hard to learn lots of new songs. We know they will sound incredible on the day.

Finally, I would like to remind you about your child's online journal, Tapestry. Staff capture special moments, WOW moments and lots of other lovely pics and videos of your child's time with us. We are so lucky to have this tool so please do share moments of your own, like the pics and comment etc. We love to see what the children get up to at home. Any problems logging in please let us know so we can sort it for you.

Have a great week


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